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How We Work

The relentless, fast-paced nature of work today makes it nearly impossible to find the uninterrupted quietude needed to write well.  Let us do it for you.   

Organized Desk

Our Approach

We believe that truly effective marketing communication hinges on (1) a deep understanding of business challenges, and (2) clarity of thought.  To that end, our process focuses most heavily on researching and outlining.  A detailed outline, we find, ensures the final writing phase is smooth and efficient.

Our proven process includes the following steps:

  • Researching: First, we invest our time to learn about a client’s company and industry; we review marketing materials and business plans, analyze competitors, and study industry trends. We also speak with key stakeholders to identify and understand communication challenges.  

  • Outlining: Once we understand our client’s business, we collaborate with them to create a detailed outline for each deliverable.  This stage typically includes several rounds of revisions to incorporate new insights and evolving feedback.  

  • Writing and Revising: Using our outline as a guide, we will (1) produce your deliverable(s) within an agreed-upon timeframe, (2) solicit your feedback to understand what improvements you’d like to make, (3) refine the draft, and (4) send the completed product to you for approval.

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